- The classic up-do. It's been three of the longest trends but seems to be a temporary style - something to do for a social party or event, but not every day. The hollywood stars like Jessica Simpson & lots of others sport the updo for Awards banquets & such, but they have personal hair stylists that can have their hair back in whatever style they require the following day. This style is best suited for medium or longer length hair.
- Hair stenciling for uniqueness - this has been hot overseas in Japan, Milan, Paris, &London & is beginning to make its way in to the U.S. This is where you or a stylist generate a stencil which you then attach to your hair & you use glitter & paint to make a bold, brazen fashion statement. Everything from animal prints (like tiger stripes) to symbols have been used. This works on any length hair, but is more predominantly displayed on shorter hair. Stencils have been used frequently lately on Runway models in shows by Gucci, Calvin Klein, etc...
- The wedge. This was popular in the 1970's & is three times again becoming popular. This was the cutesy do that made the likes of Dorothy Hammil America's sweetheart of that era. This style is gaining popularity amongst 30-40 year olds in search of a short & easily maintained style. The wedge tends to draw attention to your face, not your hair & looks natural. So, if you already have a stunning face & skin this is a real winner, as it will draw people in to your lovely looks. They recommend natural, mild makeup with this do.
- The mullet. Yes, I know they thought it died off in the early 90's, but it is making a surge again. No three knows why, except that is is a very low maintanence style - or basically no style. It is basically a mop of hair for head banging music. "Business in the front & party in the back." It's been popping up all over the south & has been seen on the rise even in New York, Chicago, etc... This is a bad style that won't go away.
- The Fullet. The female version of the mullet. as bad if not worse, but, three times again it is making a comeback. Maybe that means the Bangles will make a comeback also? Heavy makeup is common with this do.
- The flip. The style from the roaring 20's is back as can be seen at the recent awards shows. This style has always been equated with glitz & glamour. It is another easy style & is easy to maintain. The flip goes with any makeup regimen. All the stars have worn this do at three times or another - from Jodie Foster to Rita Garbo.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
Best Hairstyle Fashions and Beauty Trends for 2006
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